Hello everybody. Today I don't have a healthy recipe for you. At this Active Monday article, I would like to write about the benefits of jumping rope and then I have a 20 minute example workout. Enjoy it:)
Effective training with jumping rope
What is the benefit of jumping rope?
Jumping rope has already lost its image in the schoolyard. It is a popular warm-up program among martial artists. And jumping rope is also used more and more often in fitness studios, parks, or at home. No wonder: the jump rope is an effective strength and endurance training that works the whole body.
In addition to your endurance, you improve your speed and jumping power, sense of rhythm, and coordination with jumping rope. You will also improve your cognitive skills.
5 advantages of jumping rope
You don't need any prior knowledge to jump rope: it's suitable for beginners who want to train or lose weight, and advanced athletes with a passion for acrobatics.
Jumping moves are varied: unlike running, you move in place, but there are various sequences of steps and jumping.
Suitable for jumping rope, rapid cardio training, or warm-up: Ten minutes of jumping are as effective as 30 minutes of jogging.
Jumping rope challenges your body and mind: rope skipping is a strength and endurance training that stimulates fat burning for the whole body, stretches muscles, and also improves reflexes and concentration skills.
Jumping rope can improve your performance in other disciplines: You train your speed and jump strength in a targeted and effective manner, which you benefit especially in martial arts such as boxing, sprinting, and also with acrobatic exercises.
What muscles is jumping rope good for?
When training with the jump rope, you use different muscles depending on the exercise and intensity.
Primary target muscles:
Musculus triceps surae / calf muscle: Calf muscles are active when pushing and ascending. It causes flexion in the knee joint, lowering and turning of the foot.
Quadriceps femoris / anterior thigh muscle: The four-headed thigh extensor is responsible for straightening from squatting.
Supporting muscles:
Rectus abdominis / Flat abdominal muscle: Flat abdominal muscle is an important postural muscle. It will help you keep your balance while jumping.
Erector spinae: The main function of the back muscles is to straighten the spine and keep the head straight. It also works actively during skipping rope.
Wrist muscles: The constant rotational movement during rope jumping comes from the wrists. Here 16 different muscles participate in the movements.
Musculus brachialis and musculus biceps brachii / upper arm flexor muscles: When jumping rope, you need to bend and fix your upper arms. Accordingly, the muscles are constantly under tension.
Musculus deltoideus/deltoid muscle: The deltoid muscle is the largest shoulder muscle and its posterior part is in the upper part of the back. It is also under tension when jumping rope to maintain an upright posture.
Is it possible to build muscle with skipping rope?
Jumping rope is one of the endurance sports. This means you have to build strength and hold it for a longer period or many repetitions. Thus, you improve your stamina and strengthen your muscles at the same time, but jumping rope is not a substitute for classic strength training. Jumping rope is more suitable for muscle definition than muscle building.
Tip: If you are after muscle mass, you can increase the load during training, for example, special jump ropes with cuffs at the ankles or weights on the arms. You can also support the jump rope with strength exercises - for example, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, burpee.
Is jumping rope good for losing weight?
The following simple rule applies to losing weight: You should burn more calories than you consume. Exercise is a very important factor in increasing your calorie consumption. Jumping rope can definitely get you closer to your dream figure. Advantages of jump training: It is an intense workout, your whole body works with you and you rapidly increase your heart rate. Similar to a HIIT workout, you increase your energy consumption in a very short time.
Important: If you want to burn fat effectively, you shouldn't go to your limit. Optimal fat metabolism training occurs at 60 to 70 percent of the maximum heart rate. You can calculate it with the following formula: Maximum heart rate (MHR) = 226 (for women) / 220 (for men) - age
It is best to wear a heart rate monitor during your workout to keep an eye on your heart rate.
Weight training has proven to be the ideal sport for weight loss. Because every kilogram of muscle mass increases your basal metabolic rate, the number of calories your body consumes while you are at rest. Therefore, jumping rope is ideal in addition to strength training if you want to speed up your weight loss success.
Of course, exercise is only half the battle: Diet is an integral part of losing weight. Make sure you have a balanced and varied food source.
Jump rope calorie consumption
Actual calorie consumption when jumping rope depends on many factors such as age, gender and weight, speed, and overall body tension. So it is difficult to generalize.
In general, you can guess 150 calories per 10 minutes of jumping rope. Half an hour of jumping can melt you up to 500 calories. For comparison: Running at a moderate pace results in about 350 calories in 30 minutes.
Tip: The HIIT training method is particularly suitable for burning as much energy as possible in a short time. Jumping rope can be a part of your workout and complement it perfectly.
How much rope do I need to jump?
Jumping rope time depends entirely on your goals and fitness level. In general, if you want to improve your overall fitness, ten minutes of rope exercise every day is a good measure.
Beginners jump 10 x 1 minute with 1-minute intervals in between. Try to jump every second.
Advanced users can supplement their break times with exercises such as exercise, sit-ups, push-ups, or squats.
Which is better: running or jumping rope?
Running and jumping rope are totally different discipline. Both have been competing with each other for several years. Of course, strength and combat sports athletes swear by jumping rope for its effectiveness. You use jumping rope as a short, sharp warm-up. On the other hand, running is associated with endurance training for longer periods of time.
What should you pay attention to when jumping rope?
If you want to learn how to jump rope, you shouldn't just grab any rope and jump on it. As with other sports, there are a few subtleties to consider in order to avoid injuries and get the greatest possible impact from training:
Preferably wear sturdy shoes with forefoot cushioning and high shafts
Warm-up arms and ankles before training: Stay on your toes several times and slowly lower your feet again, moving your arms back and forth
To minimize injuries, jump on a non-concrete surface, eg. Carpet, lawn, hall floor, or tartan tracks (not on asphalt!)
Plan enough space so you don't stumble.
The right technique for jumping rope
To find the best length of the rope first, stand in the middle of the rope with your feet shoulder-width apart. You are already wearing your training shoes. The ends of your rope should reach just below the nipples.
When jumping rope, the rotation of the rope comes from the wrists, not the arms. Keep them close to your body, shoulders and forearms remain stiff. Often jump off the forefoot and descend smoothly without lifting your heels completely. You don't need to jump high, just a few centimeters is enough. The legs are always slightly bent.
How should the correct jump rope be?
The so-called speed ropes are mostly used in the fitness area. For beginners, light, thin threads made of plastic are suitable, advanced ropes can use ropes made of steel, brass wire, or leather. There are also jump ropes with integrated weights.
Beaded threads are also available. They are heavier because they consist of individual sleeves or links. These ropes are mainly used for joint exercises or acrobatics.
When jumping handled ropes, you should pay attention to a smooth moving ball bearing for the rope to rotate smoothly.
By the way, the ideal length for a jumping rope is your height plus 91.5 cm.
The best exercises for jumping rope
Easy Jump: Easy jump on the spot
One-leg jumps: Jump with one foot, bend your other knee slightly (or more), switch legs
Running step: For each jump, change the take-off foot as if you were running on the spot
Double Under: Fold the rope under your feet twice on each jump, but bounce a little higher
Criss Cross Arms: You should Cross your arms before cutting the rope under your feet, then cross your arms above your head
Criss Cross Legs: Cross your feet on every jump
Jumping Jacks: With each jump, the feet open and close alternately sideways like a jumping jack.
Step jump: You can alternately move your feet back and forth with each jump
Heel Strikes: alternately tap the heels forward.
Jumping rope is an effective strength and endurance training that increases stamina and coordination as well as increasing speed and jumping power.
In addition to endurance, the jump rope works the leg muscles as well as the abdomen, arms, chest, and shoulders.
A spring pad, sturdy shoes, and correct jumping and rotating technique are essential for jumping rope.
10 minutes of jumping every day are ideal for increasing overall fitness and speeding up weight loss success.
Jumping is an ideal addition to strength training or martial arts - as a fast, efficient warm-up, for example.