2020 Lipbalms From Amazon - 10 Different Lipbalms For Perfect Lip Care - Lip Care İn Winter

Our lips need to be carefully cared for so that they stay healthy and soft. Extensive lip care is particularly important in winter so that the lips do not become dry, rough or brittle. Because the change from cold temperatures to warm heating air really affects them. The corners of the mouth, which often tear in winter, are often particularly badly affected. We reveal how you can prevent chapped lips in winter and what all of these things require for good lip care.

Our lips need care

Our lips are part of the outer mucous membranes and are therefore particularly sensitive. In contrast to normal skin, they have no sebaceous glands and no fat-water film. As a result, they are less well protected from external influences and are not supplied with fat and moisture.

Since the lips also contain very few colour pigments, they are hardly protected against UV radiation. That is why it is advisable to apply sunscreen to your lips in both summer and winter when the weather is nice. It is best to get a special care stick with an integrated sun protection factor.

Especially in winter, it is important that we care for our lips regularly. If we don't, they will become cracked, rough and brittle. This is because the lips are exposed to particularly strong temperature fluctuations in winter. While it is usually freezing cold outside, there is warm but dry heating air inside.

What to do about chapped lips?

To treat cracked lips, you should use special lip care products. These contain substances that repair small broken areas and make the lips smooth again. In addition, they often ensure that the lips are supplied with moisture.

Make sure that lip care products are rich in lipid-replenishing substances:

Products with shea butter or apricot kernel oil are well suited because the substances they contain are very similar to the fats in the skin.
You can also use care pencils with almond, olive or jojoba oil without worry.
Due to their slightly germicidal effect, care products with beeswax or zinc are also recommended.
Some care pens ensure that the collagen reserves in the lips are replenished. These continue to decrease from around the age of 40. That is why such products are particularly suitable for middle-aged people.

If the lips are not only rough but cracked or even bleed, you should refrain from using lip care pencils first. Then it is better to use a cream that promotes healing of the skin. Here you can use ointments with dexpanthenol, for example.

First aid for torn corners of the mouth

The corners of the mouth tear particularly often in winter. Then bacteria and fungi can easily nest and cause infection. To prevent such an infection, creams or pastes with zinc are recommended.

In addition to the cold, there may also be a vitamin B6 or vitamin B12 deficiency and insufficient iron or zinc behind torn corners of the mouth. Be sure to clarify these values ​​if the corners of your mouth tear more often.

10 Lipbalms From Amazon

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