Time as a couple on a family holiday: this way, togetherness is not neglected
Anyone who
goes on holiday with the family wants to relax, experience new things and have
a good time. When the offspring is scurrying around, it is usually not that
easy to treat yourself to a break as a couple. We have put together 7 tips on
how to do this.
Traveling Tips For Families With Kids
1. Don't expect too much
Of course,
the (family) reality continues on vacation. As parents, you have a lot to take
care of – maybe even more than at home. You should be aware of that. If you
start the break with adjusted expectations and keep reminding yourself, you
will most likely have a better time.
You should
also discuss in advance what you expect from the trip. This avoids a lot of
frustration, which you would otherwise like to pass on to each other. And thus
enables the right mood - for the holiday itself, but also for a break as a
2. Good holiday preparation
If you take
care of a lot before you go on vacation, you don't have to do it on-site and
you have a little more freedom: enough diapers, the children's favorite snacks,
a travel pharmacy, distractions for bad weather (such as games, painting, and
handicrafts or a Tablet with children's films), possible destinations for a
trip and a rough schedule - all of this can be prepared. Of course, scheduling
should not be a tight corset that leaves no room for spontaneity and
flexibility. But a specific daily schedule is certainly helpful so that some
couple time fits in.
addition, it can be worth spending a little more money for accommodation with
several bedrooms. Because when the little ones have their own room, the
parents also have a nice retreat for themselves.
3. Balanced program
vacation time is limited and you want to experience as much as possible.
However, it is important to keep the balance – i.e. not to cram too many
program items into the stay. Days with a lot of action should also be followed
by days when everyone can relax and enjoy time together. Well-balanced children
accept care much better and then allow their parents to break for each other.
4. Planning the date night
In addition
to general preparation for the holiday, a little planning for the date night is
also advisable: What options are there in your accommodation or nearby? Does
the baby monitor work in the hotel restaurant, spa, or café in
front of the door? Can you book a babysitter? The operator can answer such
questions and certainly also give tips. With regard to the reception of the
baby monitor, for example, it can make sense to ask for a room facing the
street if there is a restaurant there.
A point
that should not be neglected: if you have reserved a table and hired a
babysitter, there is less chance that you will just fall into bed exhausted
that night without leaving the accommodation.
5. Seek care
As long as
the kids are scurrying around you, you can't really have quality time together
as a couple. Even when the little ones are sleeping, the range of options is
usually limited. However, if you go on holiday with your grandparents, relatives or friends, the companions can also look after the kids - and may even
be used to it anyway.
alternative is professional care, either as a concrete activity program during
the day or with a babysitter in the evenings. Of course, not only the children
but also the parents have to feel comfortable with the care. So look for
options in advance, search the internet for the experiences of other parents or
reviews of offers and speak to the operator of your accommodation. If this is
important to you, you can also try to get an impression of the care or the
babysitter at a meeting in advance - either without children or deliberately
with them. Then you can really switch off at your candlelight dinner.
6. Don't allow distractions
off is a good keyword. Because mobile phones and tablets often prevent us from
giving the other person the attention they deserve. Therefore, the following
applies to quality time: Electronic devices (except for the baby monitor) stay
in your pocket. Surely you want to be available if something is wrong with the
children. But you can also hear the ringing - you don't have to hold your
smartphone in your hand or put it on the table, a loud setting is sufficient.
7. Couple time doesn't have to mean just time together
As a
couple, it is certainly nice to have some time for yourself on vacation. But
even in the presence of the children, a lot is possible if you decide to
appreciate the little things and actively enjoy them. A longer car or
train journey, for example, when the child is sleeping or distracted, offers
the opportunity for a quiet conversation without time pressure. A long walk
with a swaddle, pram, or buggy is still possible for a midday nap. And in
between, there is also room for nice words, a kind gesture, a hug, a kiss. Get
involved with your family and the time together!
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