Hello from another Active Monday! I hope everyone is healthy! After a covid19 break I started again with my daily walks and this week I hope to go swimming too. It was a little bit hard but I am fine now. Just still a little bit tired. I believe thanks to my healthy lifestyle I was healthy in a short time.
I have a 15 minutes full body blast and tone workout for you today. And an easy detox drink. Enjoy them:)
Green detox power from the juicer
It is a well-known fact that green juices are the best detoxifiers: since they contain hardly any roughage, the detoxifying substances are present in the juice in a highly concentrated form and can flow unhindered into the cells. Ideally, the juices are mixed with some fruits to make the drink detoxifying, nutritious, and tasty!
In addition to a high-performance juicer, the green power drink requires the following ingredients: four apples, two small cucumbers, six cabbage leaves, a stick of celery, half a romaine lettuce, and a piece of fresh ginger.
Process everything in the juicer at low speed and finally add the juice of half a lemon: The pleasant acidity rounds off this vitamin bomb wonderfully.
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Active Monday
health & fitness
healthy lifestyle