Dad goes to work. Mom also goes to work and takes care of the household and children. We explain why many women are still dissatisfied with the distribution of roles at home.
When we speak of equality, we mean that men and women should have the same opportunities and chances - in all areas of life. But in one area, according to a survey by a market research institute commissioned by 'for me:', we are lagging behind quite a bit when it comes to equality. Namely when it comes to the compatibility of work and family.
According to a survey of 1,000 mothers between the ages of 20 and 50 this year, it is still the woman who takes care of the family and household. That means she goes to work, takes care of the children, and cleans the house. What sounds like a fantastic full-service package for the man is pure stress for the woman. So stressful that your own needs suffer. After all, almost half (46 percent) of the mothers stated: "that nothing is left of them and their needs in the family."
Even more alarming is that 33 percent of women stated that they did not see their husband as support but "as another child", i.e. an additional burden. It even goes so far that 32 percent said they felt like they were single parents even though they had a partner by their side.
Simply doing nothing seems almost impossible for many of those surveyed. Even your own home is a working place for working mothers. They state that their own four walls are a place of retreat, but at the same time, according to the survey, only 4 percent of women can relax at home doing nothing.
The solution to the problem
But why is it still mostly mum who takes care of the household and children even today, even though both parents work? Is it social pressure?
An example: If dad doesn't have time for the family for a week because a project demands all his attention, we feel sorry for his workload. But when mum is engrossed in a project for a week, we feel sorry for the poor children who miss their mum so much and praise the great father who takes on all these household chores. So yes, societal pressures play a role.
But, that's not the only reason. Because many mothers - 51 percent of those surveyed - prefer to do things themselves and shy away from confrontation with their partner. Therefore, part of the solution to the problem is clearly "communication". If you want something to change, you have to demand it. If both parents go to work, both can share the household.
And something else can relieve mothers of a lot of work: simply leave the housework behind. It certainly doesn't bother the children if the dishwasher is left loaded for 24 hours.
Today is world women's day and I wanted to touch on the sharing of responsibilities, which is one of the most difficult issues for working mothers. Even in the most modern and contemporary families, there can be an unequal division of labor. And most of us take it for granted.
Of course, there are also men who do the opposite and do a lot of work at home.
I must admit, I am one of those mothers who do not think much while taking responsibility in this sense👪. When I have a job, I have to meet the family's needs first. Everyone expects this from me. As children get older, I often find it difficult to give them more responsibility. Because now, when I try to share the work, I am not always successful and I can face a reaction.
My husband does the big weekly food shopping, helps with the garden. However, I am generally responsible for the inside of the house. I'll be the one who prepares the food and bring it to the table. Laundry, ironing, cleaning, helping children with their homework are my jobs. Besides, I try to do my own job that I can't give up because I love it so much because no one says our mother has a job so let's do something😕
When everyone leaves home on Monday, it almost looks like a war took place at home on the weekend. It's the weekend until I tide up it and make the house neat again and we will experience the same things all over again💣💣💥
We, as women, have a lot to learn, in this sense, in order not to be crushed under heavy burdens.
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