How To Stay Safe In Everyday Life

 Taking care of our personal safety is something that should come naturally to everyone; it’s an instinct that has been around since the dawn of time. However, although technology is great and it can enhance our lives in many ways, it can also cause issues - it can make us less wary and less inclined to listen to our instincts because so much of what we do is linked to tech and we just follow what we’re told without question. 

It’s important to make sure you take a moment before acting, no matter where you might be or what situation you might be in, to ensure you are being safe and looking after yourself. This can be a hard habit to get into, but it can be done with practice. Read on to find out how to stay safe in some specific situations, and this should help you get started. 

Photo by Rodolfo Clix

Safety At Home 

Your home is meant to be a sanctuary where you feel safe and secure, so you might assume that it doesn’t matter what you do - you won’t get hurt, and nothing can go wrong. Sadly, this is far from the truth, and in fact, that kind of thinking could be part of the problem. 

One thing you must remember to do if you want to stay safe at home is to make sure all your doors and windows are locked when you leave the house and even when you are in it. It might be more convenient to leave a door unlocked, but what if an intruder came inside? You would no longer be safe. It takes moments to lock an entrance after using it, and it’s a habit that you need to get into sooner rather than later.  

Your lighting can also help you stay safe. Dim lighting in the home can lead to accidents because you’ll trip over things or even fall down the stairs. Plus, outside lighting is a safety feature to consider. When you have motion-detecting lighting in your garden and around your home, you’ll scare away intruders and keep yourself much safer. 

Fire is something that can cause devastation in a matter of moments, and even if you are not physically hurt,  you could lose everything. Invest in fire and smoke detectors and make sure they work by testing them at least once a month. You can also have fire fighting equipment in the home, like fire blankets and extinguishers. However, if there is a fire, it’s often better to get yourself and everyone else out of the house rather than trying to fight it yourself unless it’s very small and manageable. 

Safety Online 

Something that was not an issue only a few decades ago is online safety, but today this can be a major issue, and it’s certainly something you need to think about. You might think you would never fall for a scam or give away important personal details, but it happens to people all the time. This is why it’s best to understand as much as possible about QR code scams and similar issues so you can stay as safe as possible - even taking the time to question whether a code or website is legitimate is a good first step and will potentially stop you rushing into a dangerous situation. 

Another way to help you stay safe online is to have strong passwords. Don’t use obvious words or names, and certainly don’t use important dates. Try to think of something random and, if you’re not going to be able to remember it, don’t write it down; use a password storage program instead. It’s also wise to change your password every three months or so, just in case it has been compromised. 

Safety On The Street

Again, it’s easy to become blase about your own safety when you’re outside your home in an area you know well, but this is precisely when something might happen because you’re not paying enough attention to your surroundings. 

First, don’t walk around listening to music or wearing headphones. This will mean you’re distracted (even if you don’t realise it), and you might bump into someone, trip over, or even walk into the path of an oncoming car. Plus, you wouldn’t hear if someone was coming up behind you. 

Don’t have any of your personal belonging in your hand as you walk along - put them in a secure pocket or bag so that no one can snatch them. 

Plus, if you can, try to travel in groups. This isn’t always possible, but it’s far safer. 

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