Pretty feet? Need care!
The step-by-step program for every foot: Get rid of the cornea (pumice stones are great for light calluses, strong corneas can best be removed with a cornea file during foot care), shape your toenails, carefully push the cuticles back. Apply nail polish - and pamper your feet. Here I will show you the coolest nail polish trends of the season and tell you how to get rid of cracks and calluses.
Healthy feet need the right shoes
Proper footwear is very important so that corns, cracks and blisters do not stand a chance and that cornification does not occur at all. Because when shoes fit well and the skin on the feet is not exposed to friction or pressure, many problems with the feet cannot arise. Athlete's foot and nail fungus also have no chance if your feet are not only beautiful but also healthy.High heels - yes or no?
High heels can be very decorative, but feet don't like it when their rear end is constantly four centimetres high. From there the bodyweight tilts onto the forefoot. This creates strong pressure on the pads, cramped toes and sometimes even shortening of the tendons. That's why you should vary the heel heights and often walk barefoot."Misaligned feet affect the body and can lead to back and hip problems."
What to do?: specifically, strengthen the muscles. To do this, do ten minutes of foot training every day: lift small objects off the floor with your toes or let your foot circle inwards and outwards with your knees closed.
Shorten toenails
Ingrown toenails can be avoided with the right pedicure. Cutting the toenail straight is best. The edge of the nail should end with the toe tip so that there are no pressure points or ingrown toenails in the shoe. Whether you prefer to cut, file, or snap your nails is your decision, shortening works best if you soften your feet in a 5-10 minute foot bath beforehand.The cuticles can also be easily pushed back with a wooden stick. Important: just push back, do not cut off. If you cut the cuticle, you risk injuries and nail bed infections.
File your toenails properly: Use a good nail file, because a fine file carefully removes the nail. Always file the toenails in the direction of growth. This is gentle on the nail and then cut edges can also be sealed.
The best 10 tips for beautiful feet
1: Remove the cornea
If you want to take good care of your feet, it is best to start with a relaxing foot bath. Important: The water should not be too hot, preferably lukewarm. Revitalize bath additives and foot baths with moisturizing oils or herbs, rough spots become supple and dead skin cells are easier to remove. Dry your feet thoroughly after the bath, even between your toes, so athlete's foot has no chance. With peels that contain sea salt, mild fruit acids or finely ground pumice stone, light calluses and excess cuticles can be gently massaged away. You should tackle strong corneas with a pumice stone or a corneal arrow.Tip: Apply special corneal remover creams or masks beforehand. They gently dissolve the cornea so that it can be removed more easily. Caution with planing the cornea: this can injure underlying tissue.
2: Tender skin
Since the skin on the feet does not have as many sebaceous glands and becomes brittle more quickly, it is right that you take good care of your feet. Foot creams and masks with almond oil, urea, cocoa butter, aloe vera and essential oils regenerate and provide the skin with lasting moisture.Extra care tip for tender feet overnight: Apply feet in the evening or apply a mask and pull cotton socks over them.
3: Bring nails in shape
A nail clipper is suitable for cutting the toenails. Important: Always straight (along the tip of the toe) and do not cut around, otherwise the nails can grow in or tear sideways. Mineral files are particularly suitable for brittle nails. They gently smooth the edges and seal small cracks with micro-fine crystals. Soak cuticles with nail oil and carefully push them back with a wooden stick. Never cut cuticles, as this can lead to scarring and even inflammation.4: New polish for the nails
Polish the nails smoothly with a polishing file. A colourless base coat prevents discolouration of the nail. First, apply a thin layer of varnish to the tip of the nail (from left to right). Let dry. Then paint another thin layer. When it is completely dry, apply to paint a third time. A transparent topcoat prevents the paint from chipping.5: Smooth skin
Depending on which hair removal method you choose, the result lasts for different lengths of time: Those who prefer shaving have up to three days of rest. Depilatory creams give a smooth feeling for five to seven days. With wax or epilators, it is even one to three weeks. By the way: yes, women also have hair on their toes. Under no circumstances should you forget your toes when removing hair!6: Foot fitness
Our feet also enjoy a little fitness program from time to time. Simple gymnastic exercises loosen tension and stretch the muscles. Just take a few minutes every day and do our five exercises for strong feet!7: Feet up!
Just put your feet up after a long, tiring day or sports training. This not only relaxes feet and legs but is also good for our soul. If you want to treat your feet to something special, do a small foot massage with invigorating, fragrant massage oils. Massage the sole of the foot with your thumb or the whole hand in even, circular movements. This promotes blood circulation and provides a cosy, warm feeling.22 Trendy Heels For Special Occasions
8: Takeoff
Beautiful feet in high shoes are a real eye-catcher. But the high heels are not healthy, our feet suffer quite a bit from the pressure on the forefoot (not to mention the postural damage caused by excessive high-heel wear). Give your feet a break more often and vary the heel heights. The best thing is and remains barefoot running. Just take off your shoes!9: Fresh kick for in between
After a hard day or after exercising, hot feet deserve a cool down. Isn't their time for a cold foot bath? There are little helpers for this case: Refreshing sprays, creams and foot deodorants with lemon and mint cool and protect the feet from sweating.10: No more blisters on your feet
Who does not know that? Just put them on and you press your shoes. The aching bladder is not long in coming. To fight bubbles before they even occur, there are special anti-bubble sticks. A colourless lubricating film should reduce the friction between the foot and the shoe. So bubbles don't stand a chance. If the blister is already there, blister plasters can help. The patches absorb the bladder's moisture and thus form a protective cushion that reduces pressure.Paint toenails
The smoother the nail surface, the longer the varnish will last. Before painting, the nails should definitely be free of grease. A layer of colourless base coat protects against discolouration. If the nails are already slightly yellow, you can bleach them with oxygen and lemon in a bubble bath. Polishing files with differently grained surfaces also make the surface of toenails nice and smooth, shiny and clean. Do this as gently as possible, excessive grinding on the nail can cause grooves.Home remedies for beautiful feet
Those suffering from cracks and extremely dry feet can get relief with this foot mask.Ingredients:
1/2 onion
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Mix all the ingredients together, gently apply the mixture to the feet and massage in, then wrap it in a cotton cloth and let it sit for an hour. The onion has an antibacterial effect and the olive oil nourishes dry skin.
Overripe bananas can also act as a home remedy for dry feet.
Crush 2 ripe bananas (you can also use overripe ones) and add some olive oil.
Massage in and leave in for at least a quarter of an hour.
A foot bath is always good for your feet. We have the best do-it-yourself recipes: foot baths for colds, against stress and for problems like cornea or fissures.
2020 beauty advices
beautiful feet
beautiful nails
Best foots care
feet care
nails 2020
Tips for the perfect foot care