Feeling Stressed? Here Are a Few Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Your Life


Stress is an unfortunate part of many people’s lives. To some degree, stress can be a healthy reaction to real life events. It’s normal to be stressed about stressful things. Anxiety is also natural. But a lot of people experience a degree of stress that isn’t helpful or healthy. Constant stress and anxiety with no letup can cause health problems, reduce your joy, and make everything so much more difficult than it needs to be.

So, here are a few ways to dial back on the amount of stress you experience so that you can get more out of your life.


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Go Outside

The natural world can be a natural balm to manmade stress. Studies have found that stress and anxiety levels fall when we’re surrounded by nature and trees. Even the sun can be good for our mood, because it boosts vitamin D levels which can make you feel happier.

Not only this, but when you take the time to go outside, you’re often doubling it with another stress-busting activity.

Even just taking the time to go on a short walk can give you time and space in a peaceful environment that doesn’t have the same stressors and stimulants as the rest of the world. This forces you to have a break and gives you the chance to exercise as well.

Get Moving

It might seem counterintuitive to say that exercise is a stress reliever. After all, isn’t this just more time out of your day to do something that isn’t exactly restful?

But stress relief isn’t just about sitting around not doing anything. Our bodies need to move and, if you have a sedentary job, the chances are that you don’t move enough. This can impact our physical health, but also our mental health.

Exercise is proven to reduce stress. Some people work out and distract themselves from what might be stressing them out. Playing sports can be fun and lets you spend time with friends. Most people find that working out allows them to achieve goals and feel an endorphin rush that is great for their mental health.

Sleep Better

Another way to look after your body and your mind is to think about your sleep schedule. Poor sleep and stress can act as a positive feedback loop. No, this isn’t as cheerful as it might sound.

A lot of stress can impact your sleep schedule, especially if you can’t sleep because you’re either too busy or your mind won’t settle down at night. But sleep deprivation can in turn make you more stressed and irritable. As you can imagine, this can get worse very quickly.

But if you work to improve your sleep, you can stop this cycle in its tracks. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to sleep and make your bedroom a restful environment. Supplements like CBG gummies or herbal teas can help you get into a relaxed state so you can sleep better.

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