Parenting Tips for Handling Sibling Conflict

Siblings often fight over things that aren't important. But when they're fighting over something that matters, it can cause serious problems in your family.


Don't Take it Personally.

If you find yourself in a sibling conflict, try not to take it personally. Instead, focus on how to resolve the problem. You might need to talk to both kids separately, or you might need to work out an agreement between them. In situations like these, it's always important to think about ways to end certain conflicts. Scolding your kids is not always the right way. Talking to them normally can sometimes help more than just being angry at them. You can't really avoid siblings fighting, so instead you have to expect it and try to end it when it finally happens. And don't take it personally! It's not your fault that their fighting!


Be Patient.

Sometimes, when two people aren't getting along, it takes more than one conversation to solve the issue. Try to remain calm and patient as you discuss the matter with your children. Don't make any threats or promises; just explain why you think things should be different. Of course, try to say it in a way that your children will actually understand the issue. Don't expect that they will fight only once, it's going to reappear from time to time. So don't lose your temper, and stay calm. Try to talk to them again and again until they finally understand. Shouting at them, scolding them, grounding them, all of this should be avoided. Those punishments are old-fashioned and should not be used nowadays. Be a good parent and talk to them!


Give Them Space.

If you're having trouble handling sibling conflict, try giving them space. Let them work out their differences without interference. This will help them learn how to resolve conflicts themselves. This is also a crucial mistake a lot of parents make. They try to interfere with every fight, but at the end of the day, it's not getting better and the kids don't learn anything. But if you give them some space, leave them be and just let them fight for a bit, as long as they're not hurting each other physically. Believe me, they won't fight forever. One day they will be two loving siblings again. Only if they approach you, you can try and talk to them about it. But other than that, just let them handle it themselves!


Set Boundaries.

Another option is to set boundaries. You might say something like, "I'm not going to let you talk to me that way." Or, "You need to stop hitting each other." This way, you show them that they go too far. If they notice that, they might settle down a bit. If you just let them do anything they want, no boundaries set, it will negatively influence their character development. But if you tell them when they go too far, they will think about it and maybe also calm down. This will also give them a little respect toward their parents and also show them who has the upper hand in the household.


Talk About It.

If you're having trouble resolving sibling conflict, try talking about it first. This will help you understand where the problem lies and how to solve it. We mentioned this before, but it's important to reiterate it. Talking is the key to solving conflicts between your kids. Punishment is not helping most of the time. So try talking first, if they don't want to understand it, go ahead and give them a small punishment like no dessert after lunch or something that will influence them. But remember, talking always goes over punishments.  


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