Hi everybody. Are you ready for another Active Monday and an active new week? Spring is the season of new beginnings. You can start your healthy travel this spring. Today I have a 20 minutes butt lift workout video. And a very tasty strawberry smoothie. It takes just moments to prepare it. I love strawberries especially now that they are fresh.
Strawberry smoothie
ingredients for 4 portions
350 g strawberries, frozen ones also work
1 banana(s)
500 ml orange juice
1 tbsp honey (forest honey)
4 strawberries for the garnish
Wash and quarter the strawberries and freeze them on a cutting board or freezer tray. peel banana Puree until smooth with orange juice, honey, and frozen strawberries, fill into glasses, garnish with a strawberry and serve immediately.
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Active Monday
health & fitness
healthy lifestyle