Health Tipp This Week
Gluten Free Bread DİY
1pcs egg
1/2 cup of lactose-free milk
4 tablespoons of olive oil
1,5 cups of warm water
1 teaspoon of dry yeast
4 cups gluten-free flour
1.5 teaspoons granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
For gluten-free bread dough; warm water and dry yeast to activate the yeast at room temperature to activate.
Take the egg at room temperature into a deep mixing bowl. Mix with powdered sugar, salt, lactose-free milk and olive oil.
Add the gluten-free flour you sifted. Slowly add the yeast mixture which starts to foam and start to mix by hand or with a beater. Knead the dough thoroughly to activate the yeast.
The dough you prepare; olive oil lubricated, heat-resistant, take a rectangular mold. Cover with a slightly damp cotton swab. Let stand for 20 minutes at room temperature or in a place exposed to the sun. Preheat the oven at high temperature.
At the end of this period, make a scratch on the dough that has been fermented and swelled with a sharp knife. Sprinkle with oil seeds as desired. Pour water into a heat-resistant container and place it on the bottom of the oven to maintain moisture balance within the oven.
Bake the fermented gluten-free bread in a pre-heated 200 degree oven for 45 minutes. Remove the toasted bread from the oven. Cover with a cotton swab and let it rest for light sweating.
After cooling, remove the mold and sliced bread in a bag. If desired, keep in the refrigerator after heating and consume slices.
Active Monday - 31 - Diet Banana and Oat Cookies
Enjoy the Morning Meltdown workout from Beachbody You Tube Channel. Have an active week :)
Active Monday
Active Monday - 32
gluten free bread
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