I have been collaborating with different companies from time to time in my four-year blogger life. Blogging is an activity that you do with a love for writing and sharing, but it is also motivating when we receive small advertising and promotional articles in return for the work we do. Every single blogger knows how much energy and time we are investing in our blogs.
Throughout these years, I've developed some techniques to decide how serious the collaborators are. I want to share them with you too:
Some important points about collaborating with a brand
1. A serious company reaches you by mail.
They don't write a comment under your Instagram post as ''contact us from dm'. This is unserious.
2. Details at the mail template
In the first email, he/she writes his/her name, and the company he/she wrote about and asks if you want to cooperate. Uses kind and friendly language but not as you are friends for many years. Does not forget to add the link to the company. So you can check and decide if you want to work with them or not.
3. After confirming the cooperation, you receive a second message.
This message must be explained in detail what type of collaboration is required. They write also the amount they can pay for this cooperation. There are no rules for the payment fee, you can discuss it with the brand.
4. Last steps in a collaboration
You have to finish your promotion (post, social media sharing e.t.c.)and send your links to your customer. A serious brand pays you quickly at the time that they have promised. They don't let you write messages and ask about your payment over and over again. This shows only how unprofessional those brands are.
Sometimes the brand wants to send its own written article for publication. There are some points to take care of. I explained them in my article Things To Consider When Publishing a Post Written By Someone Else . There are really important tips for your blog security in this article.
Those were some important things that I give attention to collaborating with a new brand. Have you also other important points to add? Please let me know in your comments on Facebook. You can also ask me questions via contact. I hope you find my post about collaborating with brands as a blogger useful. Thanks for reading.
Those were some important things that I give attention to collaborating with a new brand. Have you also other important points to add? Please let me know in your comments on Facebook. You can also ask me questions via contact. I hope you find my post about collaborating with brands as a blogger useful. Thanks for reading.
blogger tipps
Collaborating With Brands As A Blogger- Some Usefull Tipps