Hallo Ihr Lieben. Ich war heute beim Müller und Ich habe eine echte schnäppchenjagd gemacht. Nach Weihnachten und Sylvester es gab Tolle aksionen.
I was at the drogerie Müller and I find really cheap items.
Diese Swiss o par haarkur mit Panthenol war 1.95 €. Die vier haben 7.80 gekostet. A hair care serum with Panthenol.
Haarschmuck für meine Tochter 2.29 € und schlüsselanhänger für mich je 2 €. Hair accessories for my daughter. And key chains.
Melvita Rizinusöl für haar, nägel und wimpernpflege 15.90 €. Terra Naturi Bodylotion mit granatapfel 1.69 und Logona Bio Rosenwasser Tonic 11.95 €.
I love natural oils and you? You can care your body, your hair, your eye brown ...
Eine pinzette für 3.99 € und eine taschenspiegel für 2.50 €. A mirror and pincers.
Das wars für heute. Ich mag Müller weil die haben Grosse auswahl, aber leider kein kundenkarte wie bei dm oder Bipa. Ich wünsche euch eine Gute Tag.
What Is Haul? The Meaning Of Haul
There is a special type of influencer in the fashion and cosmetics industry: consumers who present their shopping results to their fan base in videos and distribute them on YouTube, for example - this trend is called “Hauling”.
The word "haul" can be translated as prey, yield or catch. In most cases, it is young women who present their purchased cosmetics, accessories and clothing in their videos, talk about the price and their shopping experience. The trend began in the United States, and for a few years now German consumers have been looking at their shopping results.
Companies have long recognized this potential and often offer bloggers free products and hope for a positive review. In the case of Bethany Mota, it goes one step further: her online profile has earned her a deal with Aéropostale. The teenage fashion company runs a collection on her behalf. According to Business Insider, she allegedly earns $ 40,000 a month from her videos alone. No wonder that the range of “Haul videos” has become unmanageable and many young women are trying to become known with these videos.
This world of bloggers is now very competitive and very few are well known. However, these then have an immense influence on what the young buyers will buy and wear in the current season.